Let me say right off the bat that I think
Ultimate is the
greatest sport known to
man. I absolutely
love Ultimate, and I think everyone should play. Even if you don't want to play Ultimate, go out and throw a
Frisbee around for a little bit.
Run. Get some
sun and
exercise. You'd be surprised how much you'll like it. Remember, Ultimate was created by
geeks for
geeks. Soon I hope to have an
Ultimate history node up so everyone can appreciate the
glory that is Ultimate, and how geeks rose up and created it for themselves. These rules are also up at
UPA Rules for Ultimate, but that's the full
rule book, which I think is a little much for casual players, but this node and
ultimate have
oversimplified versions of the rules and I think this will clarify some things. If you think that I am adding
unnecessary information, well, then
vote me down. Here is the way that I teach groups of people without any
experience Ultimate in
under 5 minutes. I use
variations on these 10 basic rules and a brief interpretation of them, which I am sticking at the bottom.
Ultimate in 10 Simple Rules
- The Field -- A rectangular shape with endzones at each end. A regulation field is 70 yards by 40 yards, with endzones 25 yards deep.
- Initiate Play -- Each point begins with both teams lining up on the front of their respective endzone line. The defense throws ("pulls") the disc to the offense. A regulation game has seven players per team.
- Scoring -- Each time the offense completes a pass in the defense's endzone, the offense scores a point. Play is initiated after each score.
- Movement of the Disc -- The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the disc. The person with the disc ("thrower") has ten seconds to throw the disc. The defender guarding the thrower ("marker") counts out the stall count.
- Change of possession -- When a pass in not completed (e.g. out of bounds, drop, block, interception), the defense immediately takes possession of the disc and becomes the offense.
- Substitutions -- Players not in the game may replace players in the game after a score and during an injury timeout.
- Non-contact -- No physical contact is allowed between players. Picks and screens are also prohibited. A foul occurs when contact is made.
- Fouls -- When a player initiates contact on another player a foul occurs. When a foul disrupts possession, the play resumes as if the possession was retained. If the player committing the foul disagrees with the foul call, the play is redone.
- Self-Refereeing -- Players are responsible for their own foul and line calls. Players resolve their own disputes.
- Spirit of the Game -- Ultimate stresses sportsmanship and fair play. Competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of respect between players, adherence to the rules, and the basic joy of play.
These rules taken from The Ultimate Handbook, http://www.ultimatehandbook.com/Webpages/Beginner/simplerules.html. The Ultimate Handbook is a great site, and I highly recommend it for any Ultimate players of all skill levels, especially beginners though. If you have any interest in Ultimate at all, visit this site or the Ultimate Players Association, www.upa.org.
These are the basic rules of Ultimate. Here's my short take on how these rules are usually interpreted, and any changes that have been made to them in newer revisions.
1. Field is preferably marked with
cones, but discs, t-shirts or anything else will do. Use a longish
pace as a yard.
3. Slight change under
Callahan rules. Now, if a defensive player
intercepts the disc in the other team's
endzone, it is a score for the defensive team.
4. If the disc goes
out of bounds the other team gets possession where the disc went out of bounds, not where it lands. If 10 seconds pass and the thrower doesn't throw it, it's a change of possession.
5. The disc can sit on the ground for a
reasonable length of time. You do not have to pick up the disc as soon as it hits the ground.
7. A
pick is when a
defender has to run around someone else,
either offensive or defensive. If you are on defense, and you run in to someone, you got picked. If you just have to alter your course to avoid someone you got picked. Incidental physical contact is not always a foul.
9. Resolve your own
disputes. Every on the field wants to have
Don't argue. Act like you are on
Everything. Try not to
rant or
scream. All disputes can be resolved.
10. This means have
fun. Always remember that Ultimate was created to be
FUN, not as a reason to
go out and
get angry at people.